The Hidden Truth About Energy Drinks And Ketosis

I get it, we all need a pick me up now and then. No matter where you go, energy drinks are lined up at the checkout register at your favorite grocery store and even at every gas station. But can energy drinks kick you out of ketosis? Energy drinks in and of themselves won’t kick … Read more

Kicked Out Of Ketosis? Here’s Why [The Truth]

So you had your weekly cheat day, an unplanned meal, came back from vacation, or wondering if you were kicked out of ketosis for eating X or Y…  When following a keto diet, the only way to be kicked out of ketosis is by consuming too many carbohydrates. Meaning, the number of carbs someone consumes … Read more

Find Out How Much Sugar Will Kick You Out Of Ketosis?

Being quite the self-experimenter, I’ve always wondered how many carbs I could eat and still maintain a state of ketosis. If you’re anything like me you’re probably also wondering how much sugar will kick you out of ketosis? The amount of sugar that can disrupt ketosis will vary from person to person, but generally, even … Read more