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Is Truly Hard Seltzer Keto Friendly? [What You MUST Know!]

Truly is another big player in the latest hard seltzer craze along with White Claw Hard Seltzer

If you’re familiar with Zima from the 90s or Mike’s Hard Lemonade, you may have a good idea of what these alcoholic beverages are about. Better yet, you’re probably reading this because you’ve already had the pleasure of trying these products.

Is truly keto friendly? Truly hard seltzer is a very low-carbohydrate alcoholic beverage and is considered keto-friendly.

In this article, I’ll discuss why you may or may want to pass up on drinking Truly while trying to shed some weight, how many carbohydrates are in Truly hard seltzer, what’s in it, plus much more.

Can You Drink Truly Hard Seltzer On A Keto Diet? 

Alcohol on a ketogenic diet is allowed, but there are some basic rules you should follow when drinking alcoholic beverages on keto.

Those are:

Since Truly is essentially a liquor mixed with seltzer water, that ticks off some boxes with being keto-friendly.

 Meaning, yes you can drink Truly hard seltzer while following a ketogenic diet. 

Unless you plan to pound the drinks one after the other, a couple cans of Truly can easily fit into your diet every so often while remaining in ketosis and still losing weight.

However, I wouldn’t make a habit of drinking a Truly every day. Moderation is always encouraged, especially with alcoholic beverages.

Which Truly Flavors Are Keto Friendly? How Many Carbs Are In Truly?

If you’re wondering what Truly flavors are keto-friendly, keep reading on. 

 Every single Truly flavor has the same 100 calories and 2 grams of net carbohydrates per 12 oz. can except for the lemonade line. All the Truly lemonade hard seltzers have the same 100 calories, but 3 grams of net carbohydrates per 12 oz. can. 

Is wild berry truly keto friendly? Wild berry truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume wild berry truly while following a ketogenic diet with minor effect on ketosis.

Is blueberry & açaí truly keto friendly? Blueberry & açaí truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume blueberry & açaí truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is raspberry lime truly keto friendly? Raspberry lime truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume raspberry lime truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is black cherry truly keto friendly? Black cherry truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume black cherry truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is lime truly keto friendly? Lime truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume lime truly while following a ketogenic diet with minor effect on ketosis.

Is grapefruit truly keto friendly? Grapefruit truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume grapefruit truly while following a ketogenic diet with minor effect on ketosis.

Is orange truly keto friendly? Orange truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume orange truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is lemon truly keto friendly? Lemon truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume lemon truly while following a ketogenic diet with minor effect on ketosis.

Is pineapple truly keto friendly? Pineapple truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume pineapple truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is mango truly keto friendly? Mango truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume mango truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is passion fruit truly keto friendly? Passion fruit truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume passion fruit truly while following a ketogenic diet with minor effect on ketosis.

Is watermelon truly keto friendly? Watermelon truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume watermelon truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is rose truly keto friendly? Rose truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume rose truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is original lemonade truly keto friendly? Original lemonade truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume original lemonade truly while following a ketogenic diet with minor effect on ketosis.

Is black cherry lemonade truly keto friendly? Black cherry lemonade truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume black cherry lemonade truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is strawberry lemonade truly keto friendly? Strawberry lemonade truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume strawberry lemonade truly while following a ketogenic diet with little effect on ketosis.

Is mango lemonade truly keto friendly? Mango lemonade truly is keto friendly and contains very few net carbohydrates. You can consume mango lemonade truly while following a ketogenic diet with minor effect on ketosis.

As you can see, every Truly flavor is keto-friendly, even the lemonade flavors.

What Is Truly Made Of?

Each of the Truly flavors comprise the same ingredients, the only difference being the natural flavors used for the particular flavor in question.

The ingredients in each Truly are:

  • Filtered carbonated water
  • Alcohol
  • Natural flavors
  • Cane sugar
  • Citric acid
  • Sodium citrate

The only difference in ingredients are between the regular line of Truly and the Truly lemonade flavors. Truly lemonade is sweetened with a negligible amount of cane sugar (similar to the regular Truly), but also has a bit of Stevia. 1

All flavors of Truly are free from common allergens such as nuts, wheat, milk, and eggs which also means it’s a gluten-free beverage.

Drinking Truly And Weight Loss On Keto

While you can drink Truly hard seltzer on a ketogenic diet, that doesn’t mean you always SHOULD drink it. 

We all know that our decision-making abilities after a few drinks may not be the greatest, especially with food. 

While I always preach moderation, if weight loss is a priority, having some guidelines can be a wonderful idea. Knowing how many drinks you plan to consume (limit yourself to), combined with a healthy keto-friendly snack at the ready, will go a long way in maintaining your weight loss efforts.

At 100 calories per can of Truly and 2 grams of net carbs per can, those numbers will add up, let alone the amount of calories you can consume if you binge afterward. 

 You can EASILY undo an entire week's worth of hard work in a single evening, believe me… I’ve done it! 

And while calories (energy balance) is the biggest determining factor on whether or not you lose weight, alcohol will immediately put a halt on any fat burning that may be occurring. When alcohol is consumed, your body does everything in its power to remove it from your system.

Basically, your body stops burning anything else (especially fat) until it burns off all the alcohol first. 

Dangers Of Truly On Keto

While not much of a concern for most people, those following a ketogenic diet need to be a little more mindful of over consuming alcoholic beverages. 

Excessive alcohol intake, especially while in a metabolic state of ketosis can lead to ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis is a condition often associated with type 1 diabetics and alcoholics that may lead to life-threatening complications. 

The consumption of alcohol may increase the level of ketones in your bloodstream since alcohol itself can be converted to ketones, so beyond excessive consumption is definitely a dangerous thing. 

The good news is you’re likely to feel the effects of alcohol much sooner while following a low-carb or ketogenic diet, thus causing you to drink less.

Moral of the story, drink responsibly.

Truly VS. White Claw For Keto

Truly’s biggest competitor White Claw is another big name in the hard seltzer game, but which hard seltzer is better for keto?

Neither one is superior to the other. Both Truly and White Claw have the same 100 calories and 2 grams of net carbs per 12 oz. can.

The only exception here is that White Claw has 3 flavors that have 0 grams of net carbs and Truly has 3 flavors (Lemonade) that have 3 grams of net carbs.

It’s really a draw in terms of calories and carbs between Truly and White Claw. Choose the brand which you like and enjoy the flavors of the best. 

Another option is Corona Hard Seltzer which offers flavors with zero-carbs and 0.5% less alcohol per can.

If you’re looking for other keto friendly alcohol suggestions, check out the ultimate guide I wrote up.

The Takeaway

Truly hard seltzer and all the unique flavors, even the lemonade line, is considered keto-friendly.

Most Truly hard seltzer flavors have 100 calories and 2 grams of net carbs per 12 oz. can, except for the lemonade line which has 100 calories and 3 grams of net carbs per 12 oz. can.

While it’s possible to drink Truly and maintain a state of ketosis, and even lose weight, fat loss may slow down if you’re not mindful of how much you drink and any post-drinking binges. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will truly hard seltzer stay good for?

If you don't open the product, truly hard seltzer has a shelf life of between nine to twelve months if kept refrigerated.

Why is seltzer water so popular?

In comparison to still water, seltzer water has an additional texture and offers a crisp carbonated taste. They can also help people replace the craving for unhealthier carbonated sodas.

Does seltzer go bad in heat?

In high temperatures and sunlight your seltzer will start to go bad fairly quickly. The best way to deal with the situation is to store your seltzer water the same way you would store wine.


Founder of The Art Of Keto.

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