The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Is Cauliflower Keto Friendly?

Vegetables are our priority when we decide to lose weight because, for some reason, there's a common belief that all vegetables facilitate weight loss. There's a general assumption that all leafy vegetables are safe for people looking forward to losing weight.  

But is cauliflower keto?

is cauliflower keto friendly

Cauliflower might not be all green except for its lower part, but it carries the notion of a healthy veggie compared to potatoes, which are a straight no! People on keto have qualms and queries, and giving up on their favorite food can often be a major trigger.

Is that the case with cauliflower? Let's find out if you can eat cauliflower on keto or wait till it ends to enjoy it wholeheartedly.

Table of Contents
<div class="eb-toc-wrapper " data-headers="[{"level":2,"content":"<a></a>What is Cauliflower?","text":"What is Cauliflower?","link":"what-is-cauliflower"},{"level":3,"content":"<a></a><strong>History and Origin</strong>","text":"History and Origin","link":"history-and-origin"},{"level":3,"content":"<a></a><strong>Cultivation process</strong>","text":"Cultivation process","link":"cultivation-process"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Types of Cauliflowers</strong>","text":"Types of Cauliflowers","link":"types-of-cauliflowers"},{"level":3,"content":"<a></a><strong>Health Benefits of Cauliflower:</strong>","text":"Health Benefits of Cauliflower:","link":"health-benefits-of-cauliflower"},{"level":3,"content":"<a></a><strong>Health Concerns of Cauliflower</strong>","text":"Health Concerns of Cauliflower","link":"health-concerns-of-cauliflower"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Fun facts about Cauliflower you didn't know before!</strong>","text":"Fun facts about Cauliflower you didn't know before!","link":"fun-facts-about-cauliflower-you-didnt-know-before"},{"level":2,"content":"<a></a>Is Cauliflower Keto?","text":"Is Cauliflower Keto?","link":"is-cauliflower-keto"},{"level":2,"content":"<a></a>Cauliflower: Nutritional Profile","text":"Cauliflower: Nutritional Profile","link":"cauliflower-nutritional-profile"},{"level":2,"content":"Keto Friendly Cauliflower Recipes","text":"Keto Friendly Cauliflower Recipes","link":"keto-friendly-cauliflower-recipes"},{"level":3,"content":"<a></a><strong>Cauliflower Pizza Crust</strong>","text":"Cauliflower Pizza Crust","link":"cauliflower-pizza-crust"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Keto Cauliflower Rice</strong>","text":"Keto Cauliflower Rice","link":"keto-cauliflower-rice"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Simple Cauliflower Keto Casserole</strong>","text":"Simple Cauliflower Keto Casserole","link":"simple-cauliflower-keto-casserole"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Keto Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes</strong>","text":"Keto Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes","link":"keto-cauliflower-mashed-potatoes"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Keto Cauliflower Bake Recipe</strong>","text":"Keto Cauliflower Bake Recipe","link":"keto-cauliflower-bake-recipe"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Keto Bang Bang Cauliflower</strong>","text":"Keto Bang Bang Cauliflower","link":"keto-bang-bang-cauliflower"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Keto Friendly Cajun Cauliflower</strong>","text":"Keto Friendly Cajun Cauliflower","link":"keto-friendly-cajun-cauliflower"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>Keto Cauliflower Fritters</strong>","text":"Keto Cauliflower Fritters","link":"keto-cauliflower-fritters"},{"level":2,"content":"<a>

What is Cauliflower?

Cauliflower is an annual plant produced by seeds belonging to Brassica oleracea. This family includes Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Collard greens, and Kale. Its white head, known as curd, similar to cheese curd and broccoli in appearance, is eaten while the green part is left aside. 

keto friendly cauliflowers

This white part, also popularly known as Cauliflower's head, is composed of the inflorescence meristem. As of 2020, China is the biggest cauliflower cultivator in the world, producing 9.5 million tonnes, whereas India stands second with a mind-blowing figure of 8.8 million tonnes. Both regions have 72% of the world's cauliflower!  

History and Origin

The word cauliflower is derived from the Italian word “cavolfiore,” meaning cabbage flower. However, the word itself is believed to have originated from the Latin word Caulis (cabbage) and Flos (flower). 

As per popular belief, cauliflower was planted in Middle Ages (12th to 13th century) by the Arab botanists Ibn-al-Awwam and Ibn-al-Baiter in the lands of Cyprus. By the end of the 16th century, cauliflower seeds were traded to Western Europe under Cyprus colewort. It became famous under the rule of Louis XIV and made its way to the Indian subcontinent in 1822.  

Cultivation process

You've been reading it wrong to assume that cauliflower cultivation is easy, like cabbage. No, it's not! This vegetable is hard to grow with emerging problems like underdeveloped heads or poor curd quality.  

Here are some peculiarities included in cauliflower cultivation:

  • Weather is a limiting factor in Cauliflower production as it grows best under moderate temperatures of 21-29 degrees Celsius with abundant sunlight, moist and sandy soil, and high organic matter. Despite its need for enough sunlight, prolonged exposure to sun lead turns cauliflower heads from white to purple.
  • Cauliflowers can be produced in flats, hotbeds, and seeds, but the soil needs to be fertile, well-drained, and loose. Moreover, the temperature shouldn't exceed 18 degrees Celsius when seedlings are 25 to 25 days old.
  • During cultivation, Cauliflowers are always at risk of a hollow stem, stunted growth, ricing, browning, or leaf-tip burns. If that's not enough, they're attacked by larvae, aphids, cutworms, moths, and flea beetles.
  • The plant is always vulnerable to black rot, black leg, club root, black leaf spot, and downy mildew.
  • During harvest, forced cooling is needed to remove heat from the field, but sometimes it's hard to find such machinery and excellent, humidity-free storage.

Types of Cauliflowers

You'd be amazed to know that there are four significant types of cauliflowers such as following:

  • Italian Cauliflower

Italian cauliflower has a diverse appearance, including white, brown, green, purple, and Ramensco cultivars.

  • Northern European Annuals

North Americans and Europeans are familiar with this type of cauliflower. It was first developed in Germany during the 18th century, and today, its harvested in summer.

  • Northwest European Biennial

This group is harvested during winters and early springs in European parts. It was first developed in France during the 19th century.

  • Asian

Asian cauliflower is popular in China and the South Asian region. It was first developed in India during the 19th century from the now-abandoned Cornish type. It also includes the old varieties of Early Banaras and Early Patna.

With four influential groups and hundreds of varieties of cauliflowers, it stands out among most vegetables. Don't worry if you ever come across a purple, orange, or green cauliflower. They have their benefits, which will be discussed later in this article.

Health Benefits of Cauliflower:

  • Being a cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower is already high in fibers and B-vitamins
  • It contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that help fight cancer.
  • The fiber in cauliflower helps in weight loss and digestion.
  • It contains choline which enhances learning and memorization.
  • Cauliflower helps to strengthen bones and boost the cardiovascular system.
  • It reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes.
  • It boosts overall mortality rate, gives a healthy complexion and boosts overall energy.
  • It helps maintain a healthy digestive tract and lowers the risk f colon cancer.
  • The dietary fiber in cauliflower regulates the immune system and decreases inflammation.
  • As it contains high fiber and water, it lowers the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
  • Choline also helps with helping you sleep and enhance muscle movement.
  • It's easy to add cauliflower to your diet without making a hassle; some people love eating boiled cauliflower as well
baked keto cauliflower

Health Concerns of Cauliflower

  • If eaten in excess, high fibers in cauliflower cause bloating and flatulence.
  • Cauliflower isn't ideal for people taking medication for blood thinners because it contains high levels of vitamin K, which triggers blood clotting,
  • Its complex sugar raffinose content doesn't break down easily in her stomach; therefore, it's most likely to cause gas in the stomach.

Fun facts about Cauliflower you didn't know before!

  • Cauliflower is a flower.
  • Some people believe it was first introduced by a Roman writer and naturalist named “Pliny the Elder.”
  • It's a perfect rice replacement, especially since it's cheap and easy to make than rice.
  • Cauliflower is a close relative of Kale and Cabbage.
  • Orange cauliflower contains beta-carotene variants.
  • Purple cauliflower contains anthocyanins- it's the same antioxidant that gives purple coloring to potatoes
  • It tends to grow from 8 inches to 30 inches in both width and height.
  • It grows in a beautiful form of a rosette.
  • Cooking cauliflower for more than 30 minutes decreases its health benefits by 75%
  • Depending on the variety, it may take 80-250 days to harvest
  • You can eat raw, pickled, and cooked cauliflowers.
  • Green cauliflower has the chlorophyll of content of broccoli.
  • A single cauliflower floret covers your 10% vitamin C need for the day.
  • Rather than fried or thoroughly cooked, steamed cauliflower preserves most nutrients.
  • Even though people throw it away, cauliflower's stem and leaves are not only edible but highly nutritious.
  • Sunlight develops a yellow tint in the cauliflower.
  • When choosing between a cauliflower or a muffin, choose cauliflower because a large one has fewer calories than a small muffin. A 126g of muffin contains 350 calories, but an 840g of cauliflower only contains 210 calories.
  • The brown spots on cauliflower don't affect you; it's a sign of soil deficiency when the plant is growing.

Is Cauliflower Keto?

Now coming to the real debate! All keto people abstaining from cauliflower need not worry anymore because cauliflower is keto-friendly.

You'd be happy to know that cauliflower is among those vegetables considered 100% keto-friendly. It's a low-carb vegetable with 5.3g of net carbs. As per the keto definition, you should limit your carb and protein intake and increase fats in a regular diet. It ensures the energy required for metabolic reactions and daily activities is derived from fats rather than carbs.

Cauliflower is ideal for a keto diet plan, but ensure you don't pair it with non-keto fruits or vegetables. Moreover, it's not a perfect source of fats required for keto. Therefore, you'd have to pair it with high-fat food like cheese.

If you're searching for more low-carb veggies to add to your diet, here's a list:

  • Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Mushrooms
  • Zucchini
  • Spinach
  • Avocados
  • Green Beans
  • Lettuce
  • Garlic
  • Kale
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Tomatoes

Cauliflower: Nutritional Profile

A 107g of cauliflower contains:

Carbohydrates5g (2g sugar and 2.1 g of fiber)
Vitamin C51.6mg
Vitamin K16.6 micrograms
Vitamin B60.197 micrograms
Pantothenic acid7% of the RDI
Sodium30 mg


Keto Friendly Cauliflower Recipes

Here are some keto friendly cauliflower recipes to follow if you're looking for a combination of healthy and delicious!

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

cauliflower pizza keto


  1. Fresh cauliflower
  2. Egg
  3. Cheese
  4. Seasoning (garlic salt, red pepper, green pepper flakes
  5. Sauce and Toppings


Line a baking sheet and preheat your oven to 425F. Microwave the vegetable until it's tender, then chop it into pieces. Remove all moisture from the cauliflower.

Combine it with the rest of the ingredients and form the pizza crust. Bake until fully cooked. It won't take more than 15-20 minutes. Add sauce, cheese, and the rest of the toppings.

Keto Cauliflower Rice


  1. 1 cauliflower head big
  2. 3.5 oz grass-fed ghee butter
  3. 1 tsp pink Himalayan salt


With an overall prep time of 5 minutes and a cooking time of 10 minutes, your dish would be ready by starting with cutting the cauliflower into evenly sized florets. You can do it in a blender, but make sure you only fill half of the bowl. In the case of a blinder:

  1. Puree the cauliflower on the pulse setting.
  2. Take a frying pan, heat it on medium flame, and add Himalayan salt and butter.
  3. Add cauliflower, and stir it for 5-8 minutes.

Your dish is ready to serve.

Simple Cauliflower Keto Casserole


  1. ½ head cauliflower florets
  2. 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  3. ½ cup heavy cream
  4. salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


With a prep time of 10 minutes and a cooking time of 30 minutes, you can enjoy this keto-friendly dish by starting by preheating the oven at 400F. Take a large pot, add salt and water, and bring it to a boil.

Add cauliflower until it turns tender. Drain the water and add the vegetable is a casserole dish. Combine Cheddar cheese, cream, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Cover cauliflower with cheese mixture. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes until the cheese turns into brownish bubbles.

Keto Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes


  1. 1lbs cauliflower florets
  2. 4 oz cream cheese
  3. 2 tbsp salted butter
  4. Black pepper to taste
  5. Fresh Chives


Start your recipe by steaming the cauliflower in a pot. After draining, put the vegetable back in a pot and add soft cream cheese and butter. Blend the mixture properly with a blender or hand masher until it turns smooth but don't make it too runny. Add salt and pepper and serve with butter and chives.

Keto Cauliflower Bake Recipe


  1. 1 large head of Cauliflower
  2. 2 cups of Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
  3. 1 cup of Cheddar Cheese, shredded
  4. 1 cup of Sour Cream
  5. 7 oz of Bacon
  6. 1/2 of an Onion
  7. 1 tablespoon Italian Herb Mix
  8. 2 teaspoons of Garlic Powder


Enjoy this tasty recipe by first preheating the oven to 180C. Break the cauliflower into florets and blanch for 5 minutes. Drain it well. Put the cauliflower in the baking dish. Coat it properly with sour cream and add mozzarella. Don't forget to mix it well. Cut bacon into strips and add it in addition to onion, herbs, and garlic powder. Bake it for 25 minutes until it turns golden. Serve it hot, and enjoy!

Keto Bang Bang Cauliflower


  1. One and a half pounds of cauliflower
  2. Eggs
  3. Almond flour
  4. Freshly grated parmesan cheese
  5. Salt and pepper
  6. Cooking spray (you can use avocado oil)
  7. Bang Bang sauce


Beat eggs and put them in a deep bowl. Combine all dry ingredients in another bowl. Dip the small piece of cauliflower into the egg mixture and then coat it with the dry ingredients. Repeat the coating at least twice. Spray the cauliflower with cooking spray and preheat the air fryer. Cook in batches for 10-12 minutes until it turns slightly brown. Place it on a baking sheet but don't overcrowd it. Spray with oil and cook for 20 minutes.

Keto Friendly Cajun Cauliflower


  1. Cauliflower
  2. Cajun seasoning
  3. Coconut oil


Take a pan and add 2 tbsp of coconut oil. Heat it well, and then add two cups of cauliflower. Cover and cook it for 7 to 8 minutes until it becomes tender. Add Cajun seasoning, and cook for 2-3 minutes. Serve it hot and prepared!

Keto Cauliflower Fritters


For one serving of cauliflower fritters, you'd need the following:

  1. 10 oz bags of frozen riced cauliflower
  2. 4 oz shredded cheddar cheese
  3. Fine almond flour
  4. Garlic powder
  5. Large eggs, beaten
  6. Thinly sliced scallions
  7. Olive oil


Take a rimmed baking sheet, set a wire rack over it, and layering it with a paper towel. Place the riced cauliflower in a tea towel or cheesecloth and remove all moisture. Transfer all cauliflower to a bowl.

Add cheese, almond flour, garlic powder, and eggs. Stir them well, then add white and light scallion, half tsp salt, and pepper. Heat a large skillet and add 4 tbsp olive oil until it shimmers hot.

Add cauliflower mixture to the pan and press it in patty form with a spatula. Cook until it turns crispy golden brown. Flip it from time to time. Sprinkle some salt as per taste. Your cauliflower fritters are ready.

Wrapping Up

Now, if someone asks, Is cauliflower keto or not, you can not only answer them but give them brilliant ideas to cook it well. Cauliflower is an excellent choice for a keto diet.

However, you've to be sure about its consumption. Even though it contains fewer carbs, it contains fewer fats. Therefore, you've to pair it with high-carb food. While at it, don't forget that excess of anything is wrong.

Cauliflower won't harm until and unless you start eating it daily, especially if you're consuming blood thinning medication. Enjoy your keto and healthy food, and let us know which one's your favorite recipe from the above!


Founder of The Art Of Keto.

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