Can Vitamins Kick You Out Of Ketosis? [Why Some Can]

One thing I wondered when I first started a keto diet was whether or not almost anything would kick me out of ketosis. So I don't blame you if you're wondering whether or not some of the vitamins you are taking would kick you out of ketosis.

It's completely safe to take vitamins while following a keto diet without being kicked out of ketosis. Vitamins alone will not disrupt ketosis unless they contain many added sugars, such as those found in vitamin gummies or flavored vitamin drink supplements.

In this article, I will go more in-depth about whether or not vitamins will kick you out of ketosis, which vitamins may kick you out of ketosis, and what to look out for.

Can vitamins kick you out of ketosis pinterest

Can Vitamins Kick You Out Of Ketosis?

For the most part, most vitamins that you would purchase in pill form should be relatively safe.

That's not to say that there aren't an occasional few that might kick you out, but still not very likely.

 While specific vitamins, especially capsules, may have undesirable fillers, it wouldn't be enough to kick you out of ketosis. 

That being said, many of the vitamins available at your local retailer tend to use fillers that may contain trace amounts of carbohydrates. Some of the most widely used and notorious fillers are maltodextrin and dextrose, which are basically simple sugars.

But as I stated, the amounts are so minute usually that it isn't worth worrying about.

Of course, if you are taking your vitamins in the form of a drink or possibly even a gummy, then you should consult the nutrition label to see if there are any added sugars. From there, you would decide if taking the vitamins in that form, assuming the carbohydrates fit in your total, is worth it to you.

How You Get In And Stay In Ketosis

Often, some people believe that ketosis is a list of foods, but keto is actually a metabolic state. This metabolic state is achieved by limiting your carbohydrate consumption under a certain amount.

That means, as long as you eat under that amount of carbohydrates, you shouldn't have any trouble getting in or maintaining ketosis. Also, that means you can also get into ketosis without having to eat high-fat or restricting your protein.

The same way you get into ketosis is going to be the same way that you maintain a state of ketosis, which is through carbohydrate restriction. Therefore, as long as you stay with your carbohydrate limits should be generally okay.

I would also like to mention that just because you are in ketosis, it doesn't give you a free ride to eat as much food as you want, assuming weight loss is your goal. While you don't have to count calories, you still know that they do matter as far as weight loss is concerned.

For some more information about ketosis and common questions that people ask about what may kick them out, feel free to give my article about being kicked out of ketosis a read.

Best Vitamins And Supplements For Ketosis

Now that you know what ultimately determines how we get in and staying in ketosis, what are the best vitamins and supplements to add to your ketogenic diet.

First, let me say that vitamins and supplements should be in an add on and support a well-rounded diet. Vitamins and supplements should be added to make up for a poor diet, but rather, help optimize a proper diet.

What you should also know is that the same vitamins and supplements that would be beneficial for any other diet are the same ones that I believe would be beneficial on a ketogenic diet. That said, there are only a few vitamins and supplements I would recommend that would be beneficial according to the current scientific literature.

Those vitamins and supplements in no particular order are:

Vitamin D

Vitamin d ketosis

What most people don't realize is that vitamin D is a steroid hormone produced from cholesterol when your skin is exposed to the sun.

 This is why vitamin D referred to as the “sunshine vitamin.” 

Another interesting fact about vitamin D is that over 41% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D.1 Unless you live in an area with plenty of sunshine year-round, chances are you may not be getting enough vitamin D.

Also, if you're only exposing your face and hands, inside most of the day, or always covered in sunscreen, being in a sunny area may not be enough.

For this reason, I believe vitamin D supplementation can be beneficial for a lot of people.

When supplementing vitamin D, vitamin D3 supplements seem to be more effective in raising vitamin D levels than other vitamin D supplements.

Plus, vitamin D supplements are relatively cheap. Below is a link to the one I personally take.

Check the prices of vitamin D supplements.

Fish oil

Fish oil vitamins and ketosis

While not technically a vitamin, the typical North American diet is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. More specifically, people are deficient in EPA and DHA, which are two fatty acids found in foods such as fish, seaweed, chia seeds, and flaxseeds.

A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids may lead to fatigue, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and even poor memory, among many other negative symptoms.

According to research, you should consume about 0.3 to 0.5 g of combined EPA plus DHA per day, and multiple health markers are optimized and consuming anywhere from 4 to 6 g per day.23 

Check the prices of fish oil supplements.


It may not always be easy to get all of your micronutrient requirements from food alone. In this case, a multivitamin can act as an excellent insurance policy against deficiencies.

While multivitamins are relatively cheap, many of the popular brands are filled with inferior ingredients not readily absorbed. Choosing a high-quality multivitamin may be a step toward enhancing your health, improving your energy levels, which will ultimately help you lose weight in the long term.

Since this article is about vitamins, I won't go into too much detail about different supplements. If you would like to learn more about various supplements, including fat burners on keto, glucosamine, and even bodybuilding supplements, then check out those articles.

I go over various supplements that can enhance your diet, such as caffeine, creatine, green tea extract, and more.

 Just remember that the best vitamins and supplements don't compare to a great diet, adequate sleep, and sufficient exercise. 

After all, they are called supplements for a reason.

While there are many more such supplements and vitamins that may marginally make a difference, these are what I would consider as vitamins that are safe, effective, and worth the small price.

The Take Away

Vitamins in and of itself will not keep your ketosis. However, if your vitamins are filled with added sugars, such as those found in gummy form, or even in a flavored drink mix, they do carry the potential to kick you out of ketosis.

Therefore, it's always wise to take a vitamin in pill or capsule form, or at the very least, make sure there are no added sugars on the nutritional label.

What vitamins are you currently taking on your ketogenic diet?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can vitamins affect keto?

Vitamins themselves are completely pure compounds. Consequently, you don't have to worry about vitamins get you out of ketosis. However, do pay attention to any other sugars or carbs that might be present in the supplement.

Is vitamin B complex good for keto?

Vitamin B complex is a very good supplement to enjoy on the keto diet.

Do multivitamins help keto?

Multivitamins are a major help on the keto diet because it helps you get a lot of essential nutrients that you might be missing out on!